This is polymetal corona treater, the metalised polyester, aluminium foil, Laminated / non-laminated conductive or non conductive material, that we can treat. Reverse polarity of the electrode, the design of the structure may comfortable to treat the conductive materials..
The various models are available depends upon the width the of the materials and variety of the materials. Power of this machine like 1 kw to 10 kw models are available, Width upto 3 meters models available. This is useful for Cap seal materials (Wads, toffee, chocolate, food packagings etc..)
Assembly :
Plug / Socket connections to electrodes.
Force cooled connector for longer life.
Multisegmented electrode facility for adjusting any width of the film.
Treatment Rolls with Silicon Sleeves.
Smooth To & Fro micrometric air gap adjustment facility.
High voltage side insulator on station for high voltage cable entry to avoid short circuit problem.
Fully enclosed treater. |
1. Pneumatic operated treater station using filtered air from 60-120 p.s.i. Cylinders are controlled by manual or electronic air valve with switch.
2. Ozon extraction system efficiently remove ozone and to cool the electrode. This reduces warping of the electrode and provides more consistent treatment across the web. increase the life of silicone sleeve. To protect the operator from excess ozone gas.
3. Aluminium frame featuring stainless steel enclosure station.
4. In order to protect the treater rolls, zero speed switch automatically shuts down the output power, when the web reaches slow speed less than set speed.
5. Stainless steel segmented electrode.
6. Bare Roller system.
7. Easy view windows allow clear unobstructed view of corona discharge.
Technical Specification
* Treat width capacity : 4" to 48" webs.
* Treater roll : 2" / 3" / 4" diameter.
* Idler roll : 2" / 3" diameter.
* Maximum line speed : 6 to 60 meter per minute.
* Treat capability : One or two sides.
* Mains supply : 230 V, AC ± 5 %,1 Ø.
* Mains frequency : 50 Hz ± 5 %
* Output frequency : 15 to 25 Khz.
* App. Output power : 1 / 1.5 / 2 Kw.
* Electrodes : Multisegment / Multiblade. |